Thursday, September 26, 2013

Guest Post - Alyssa Bacon-Liu; Overcoming the Fear of Getting Healthy

Hey folks, I'm on a relaxing Hawaiian vacation with my family this week, so I've asked some beautiful, talented and inspiring ladies to guest post for me while I'm away. 

Alyssa Bacon-Liu is a firecracker. We met through a blog brunch almost a year ago and it was she who pushed me to join the Be Happy Link Up in the first place. I am so grateful to her for that. Alyssa writes honestly and passionately about her beliefs and truths, and the obstacles she encounters seeking all things beautiful. Her blog is real, powerful, and she always has something to say that will inspire you or make you think. 

I used to be afraid of getting healthy. That seems like an odd thing to say, doesn’t it? It’s not that I didn’t want to be healthy. I knew that I was unhappy with my poor eating habits and non-existent exercise routine. But the process of getting healthy always seemed so overwhelming. How would I possibly be able to accomplish my health goals? Where would I even start? What if I failed along the way? The farther away I got from my healthy ideal, the more scared I was to try to change things. I started to think, “What’s the point of trying to be healthy?  It will take too much time and effort.” Changing my lifestyle in order to be healthier was such a daunting task that it became paralyzing. The fear of failure kept me from pursuing the goals I needed to pursue.

I know I can’t be alone in thinking this way. Yes, I had to deal with my own fears and insecurities. But I also had to realize that we live in a quick-fix culture. We want results and we want them now.  I didn’t want to go months and months waiting to see minor changes; I wanted an amazing and instantaneous transformation. My fear of failure and my unrealistic expectations were both roadblocks to my health and happiness.

In order to overcome these roadblocks, I had to focus on one overall goal: getting healthier. To me, this doesn't mean pant size or scale weight. It’s about how I feel. A few months ago, I decided to dedicate myself to living a healthier lifestyle. I quickly realized that I feel better and have more energy when I run in the mornings. I realized that I feel confident and accomplished when I master a new move in my Zumba class. I realized I feel less sick all the time when I eat the right foods in the right portions. These are the things that really  matter. If I lose weight or drop a pant size, it’s just icing on the cake. Until then, I’m happy with the knowledge that each day I’m taking care of my body and improving my overall health.

Now, I’m not afraid of getting healthy. I look forward to being active and getting a good workout. I am so much happier now that I don’t feel sick and tired all the time from the food I’m eating. It turns out, getting healthy was in my best interest all along.

Whatever your health-related goals are, remember that you don’t have to be afraid of making the right changes in your life. Being healthy looks and feels different for every person; it’s not about living up to an impossible standard. Find what works best for you, enjoy yourself, and always know that you’re worth it.

Alyssa Bacon-Liu lives with her husband and puppy in Los Angeles. She blogs at All Things Beautiful, where she writes about marriage, faith, growing up, the pursuit of happiness, and finding the beauty in the everyday. Connect with her on Twitter or on Instagram: @alyssabaconliu. 

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