You guys, this is weird. In a lot of places, it's snowing outside, but here...well, it's Southern California, so I've decided that Winter is over and I can do a recap now. Daylight savings happened. That's got to mean something.
One of the first things I did in December was hang Christmas lights.
And then there was this fiasco... I'm not Linda.
Presents were wrapped, video games were played, and Pandas were bored.

We said goodbye to a favorite local Mexican restaurant.
A Die Hard Christmas party happened. This is what I wore.
We had 3 Christmases. For the first one, we made this totally awesome gingerbread house.
Tim and I couldn't wait for Christmas to give each other presents, so we each opened one a few days early. This is what he got me.
Christmas eve I wore this totally sweet scarf my big sister made.
Christmas day was all over the place, but I got an awesome hat and stress was gone.
NYE at the parent's beach house
New Years day at the beach
Tiny pear tarts
An afternoon with Blue and Dirty Harry.
Acupuncture demo on me made me almost pass out. Eeep.
Friends came down from the bay area and we learned that Panda is not a fan of small children. She is e'scared.
I drank a lot of hot cocoa and put a lot of fresh whipped cream on it.
I went to my first Kirtan. It was kinda cool. Kinda weird.
Also, one of the guys in front of me had a Popeye the Sailor Man tattoo. I wish I'd gotten a picture of that.
I cooked myself fish for the first time ever! It's not stunning, but its delicious. It was a miracle!
New iPhone case!
The pup helped me study
I can do a handstand without a spotter!!!
We went out for a fancy dinner for no reason. Animal = delicious. Flat iron steak = best steak either of us had ever had.
These were waiting for me at the top of the stairs when I got home from my last full day of yoga.
Panda got sick, so we had to take her to the vet. Antibiotics and lots of treats and she's all better.
My hair was finally long enough for a top knot - silly and dinky as it was.
We went bowling! My parents came out too. It was a blast!
In February the weather was nice enough for open toe shoes.
My very first zucchini.
And beets that are actually beet size!
Banana pudding for Valentine's day.
Oh, and... I became a legit yoga instructor. WHAAAAAT!?
I learned how to use a kubaton. I feel like a badass.
I am dying to make this salad again. It's all my favorite things.
It was much more difficult to take a picture of myself and write a bio than I thought it would be.

Big sister's big THREE-OH
Rain and prettiness on my drive to work.
And then I decided it was Spring. ;)
Is Winter over where you live? How was yours?
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