Thursday, September 18, 2014

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 37

I moved this post to Thursday this week to accommodate my annual anniversary post. ;)

Wednesday I took the Fit Ballet Body class my friend Chelsea teaches. I told her before class I was majorly lagging and super low energy. I did end up taking a few little breaks during class, working out some soreness, joint discomfort, etc, but I was able to do almost everything. Hooray!

Thursday night I made it to Power Yoga. It was one of my best preggo practices since before I really felt pregnant. It's been a while since I felt that strong. The woman next to me even commented at the end that I was doing amazing. I was doing all the pushups, side arm balances, handstands. I took a little break at one point, but mostly I was sticking with it through the vinyasas. It really felt awesome.

Friday night I had planned to take Bollywood with my sister, but when we went to sign up an hour before class, it had been cancelled. So, I stayed home while hubs went to the gym and did Dance Central Spotlight for 50 minutes.

Saturday my exercise was being a busy bee. We picked up the baby furniture and ran some errands after birthing class.

Sunday was the first day I was able to sleep in since Labor Day weekend. I thought if i happened to get up early enough I would go to boxing, but when I looked over at the clock when I woke up and it said 8:45, I decided I needed more time in bed, so I left it alone and went to prenatal yoga later in the afternoon. We did this thing called belly lacing, where we paired up and used a pashmina to "take the weight of (each others) baby". It was kinda neat. I have have hubs try it with me.

Monday night (like all these nights lately) was HOT. I thought I would stay in with the AC and dance or do some yoga, but I just wasn't feeling it. As soon as the sun wasn't blaring, I took Panda out on a mile and a half walk. She's still terribly behaved for the first 15 minutes of a walk. She is so strong and so excited. That means hubs has to come on all future walks once the baby comes, but the second half of the walk the other night, she was great - no pulling, no growling at passing dogs, just walking next to me and stopping to sniff things occasionally.

Tuesday I was back at Power Yoga. I had a great practice, though I didn't quite have the energy I had last Thursday. I took more breaks, but still did some of the more challenging pose variations. I skipped my usual arm balances and opted out of the toe grab in side arm balance, but it just goes to show, you don't have to do all the fancy stuff to have an amazing practice.

How was your week?

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