Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 38

Wednesday morning I taught my mommy & baby class. That ended up being my workout for the day. We did some challenging stuff - some glutes and some core and somewhere in there I worked up a sweat, so I was perfectly comfortable taking the evening off and celebrating my anniversary with my honey.

Thursday night I did yoga with one of my girlfriends. I hadn't seen her in a couple of weeks, so it was really nice to catch up and do a little yoga in the process.

Friday was a weird day. I woke up feeling really icky. I hurt basically everywhere and I was especially exhausted. I decided to take the night off.

Saturday I planned to go to yoga in the morning, but it didn't work out. I wanted to be home to say goodbye to my hubs before he left for the weekend, so when he got out of the house a little later than planned, I wasn't able to make it to yoga. I did do a lot that day. Big accomplishments in terms of girly time. I got a massage, pedicure and attended high tea. All fun things.

Sunday I managed to make it to boxing! Hooray! I was feeling kind of tired, but I powered through it. It was one of those days I really wished I had a support belt for my belly, but I managed by just not doing too much bouncy footwork. Later I went back out again for prenatal yoga. We did a lot of shoulder work, which ended up being kind of tough because my shoulders had already been exhausted during boxing.

Monday night I had a hard time coming up with what I wanted to do for exercise. I finally settled on cardio barre, but then I didn't get home in time to change and make it out for class. So, Panda and I went on a walk. It's finally cooling down enough before sunset that I can take her out before dark. Hooray! We were about for about 40 minutes and managed just over a mile and a half. I briefly ran (so we would make it across the street before the light changed) and it was so weird feeling. I'm looking into options for belly support for exercise. Anybody have any suggestions? I've heard the FITsplint, Belly Bandit, and KT tape are good options. First I'll be trying KT tape. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday night is not my usual night for yoga with Jenny, but this week we did some rearranging. We got a pretty good little yoga flow in. My tummy is finally getting in the way in pigeon pose, and I brought blocks in so we could do supported shoulder stand.

How was your week?

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