Monday, October 14, 2013

Currently; October 2013

Currently, I'm...

I finished rereading Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. Then I set a date to see the movie with my friend... and it was only in two theaters, both unfriendly distance from us. Sad day. So, we're gonna wait until its out on DVD and rent it, I guess.
I'm looking for some book suggestions for the fall! If you've read any good books lately, let me knooooow! I have The Count of Monte Cristo hanging out on my Kindle saying "read me, read me", but I'm in the mood for something a little lighter, ya know? I also just downloaded Lost at Sea, after listening to the most recent This American Life podcast.

Dexter is over... and the end was... disappointing. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
Breaking Bad is over and the end was completely satisfying. Thank you, AMC.
What I'm watching now? Oh... Walking Dead... because it's back. TEHEHEHEHEEEE! Also Bob's Burgers. If you're not on that train, seriously, get on it because Bob's Burgers rocks my world. Mostly because of the kids.

Listening to...
I'm still on my Alie & Georgia kick, but I think I'm nearing the end of this thing with them. I need to get back to my yoga playlists - speaking of which... Lucius. I'm a little bias because I went to high school with one of the girls in this band, but REALLY, I LOVE THEIR SOUND. Like, whoa. I don't even know if it will work with yoga, but I'm dying to test it out... figuratively.

Struggling with...
Staying awake right now. Oh, you don't care about that? I'm weaning myself off coffee so I can become a leisurely coffee drinker instead of an addict. I didn't even think I needed coffee until last Monday, when I opted for tea with my breakfast and by late afternoon I was laying on the couch, eyes closed, digging my knuckles into my forehead trying to relieve the pressure. Stupid caffeine headache.
Also struggling with this. Completely unrelated.

Still low carb, but not no carb. I'd really like some coconut cake though. We had an EPIC run to the farmers market last weekend. Hubs had a work event last week, so I cooked up that delicata squash for myself. So yummy. I love squash so much. I'm so excited it finally feels like fall. There may be some butternut squash risotto in my future.

Hopefully repainting my bedroom. It's red. It's been red since before we moved in 3 years ago, but painting the bedroom was never a priority. We are ordering a new bed soon (a belated anniversary gift to each other) and what better time to repaint the room than when we are moving the old mattress out anyway? Right? Sooo... *fingers crossed that actually happens*

Excited for...
We changed the name of my Thursday night class from Intro to Yoga to Beginner Flow. I'm hoping it's a little more inviting and we can get some more people in the door now that it doesn't sound like an introductory course you can only take once. Ya know?

I've still got my regular classes twice a week. They're amazing. Beginners and mommies and babies light days. I'm hoping to do some expanding soon. *fingers crossed* Exciting things could be afoot.

Inspired by...
All the runners in my life. I just signed up for another 10K last week. It seems so easy now that I've done a half marathon - even though I know it will not be easy. That does mean I need to start training again though. I've been running semi regularly, but only 3 miles each time. I need to double that. No big. ;)

What are you up to lately?

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