Monday, October 6, 2014

Kitchen Adventures; #bakingbootcamp Apple Pie Biscuits

This weekend I wanted to bake.

We have so much fruit that needs to get eaten or frozen. I really wanted to use the blueberries first, but I wasn't feeling inspired by blueberries, so I opted to take part in the Joy the Baker #bakingbootcamp this time around and make her Apple Pie Biscuits.

Holy smokes.

I just... I was so... surprised... by how amazing these biscuits are. I guess because they're not really all that pretty. Seriously, go explore on Instagram and look at #bakingbookcamp... there are an unfortunate amount of ugly biscuits. I don't feel like I'm being harsh... am I?

And another thing you might notice... mine don't really look like the others. I mean, not to toot my own horn, but how did my biscuits end up so fluffy and smooth and pretty? Am I bias? Perhaps by their deliciousness? Did I do something differently? I DON'T KNOOOOOOW.

Regardless, these biscuits are abso-stinkin-lutely delicious. I may or may not have eaten four... and a half.

They muffins are savory, but the topping and the filling are sweet. The dough is fluffy, topped with crunchy cinnamon and sugar that topples off the sides and melts into the bottoms of the biscuits almost as much as the top, like toasty, crusty bread, fluffy on the insides and filled with delectable apple pie.

I found myself eating them just like the biscuits we used to have when I was a kid - breaking them in half with my bare hands to eat the top and then the bottom. But for these, I had to make sure I snagged a few apples so I could enjoy them while devouring both halves.

Hubs said something to this extent. "You could sell these, and when people ask how much they are, you say
'one-million dollars' and they will say 'OK'"

There are still a few more days to join in the bootcamp. I'd love to see how my friends' biscuits come out, if you decide to make them. Follow the recipe here.

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