Week 2, y'all! This is kinda fun!
Sunday 1/6 - First Sunday back at YTT post holiday break. Going into it, I was feeling kind of weird about it - like I didn't remember anything and what was I going to do without that extra day off every weekend - but as soon as we got into it, I was happy to be there. I am always enlightened when I get home from a day of YTT, so I felt pretty silly at the end of the day. My practice that morning was Wayne's Power Yoga class. He had some of my peers assisting him throughout the class. The flow of the class was a little odd with 4 different teachers, but I'm so proud of my classmates. I can't wait to get my chance to do that too!
Monday 1/7 - I took the day off specifically to get the house back to normal and get in some of my required yoga hours. I only ended up taking one Power Yoga class in the morning, but it was a great/tough class. I was totally wiped out at the end of it. I did get the house almost back to normal post holiday madness though. That's a plus.
Tuesday 1/8 -I tried out a new instructor for Power Yoga. It was so bizarre. I didn't introduce myself as a teacher-in-training, but he saw that I was new to his class and an experienced student, so I got plenty of tweaks throughout the practice. So strange though, because some of them were counter to what I'd been taught in training. My understanding was that in Warrior I, you should have your feet as close together as necessary so that you can square your hips to the front. He walked up to me and told me to take a wider stance, so I'd get more of a stretch.
Wednesday 1/9 - I made the mistake of stopping at home before yoga even though I knew I would only have 5 minutes to change and take the dog out before I had to leave again. The pup was so so so very happy to have me home that I couldn't just turn around and run right back out of the house. So, I hung out with her for an hour, ate a grilled cheese sandwich and a tangerine, and then went to my YTT class.
Thursday 1/10 - I decided to take the 6:30 PM Yoga Flow class at the WHAC. It's only an hour, which is shorter than I've become accustomed. The teacher is so great and she does a wonderful job fitting a lot of stuff into a short class, but I still found myself wanting more. I wanted more vinyasas, I wanted to practice my inversions, and I really wanted a dang right angle pose. I almost went home and continued my practice a little bit, but husband was there and he asked me to hang out with him while he dead-lifted (3 plates, holy moly). So more practice would have to wait until Saturday.
Friday 1/11 - Unless I go into work late, I can't fit yoga into my Friday schedule. I thought about going to a late kickboxing class, but decided to stay home and have a romantic evening in with the hubs.
Saturday 1/12 - Did you know I pretty much live at the yoga studio Saturday mornings? Now you do. I got up early for my usual 8 to 1130 am block of yoga. I observed for the first class and practiced during the second. Getting into my practice was rough this morning. I think because it had been a late Friday night, I was just super achy getting into it. It was still good though. I tried my first headstand mid-practice when I was all tired and I got up just dandy. I was sooooo tired though.
That's it for this week! I'll be back at yoga all day tomorrow, followed by a two hour Kirtan. I'll let you know how it goes.
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