Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 20

Can I just start by saying I am so ready to have my weekends back?! I haven't slept at home on a Saturday night in 3 weeks. This weekend I'm at a yoga workshop in South Bay, which isn't exactly a free weekend, but at least I get to sleep in my own bed and I don't have to unpack on Sunday night.

Last Sunday we were driving home from SD and I got just carsick enough that I didn't want to partake in any kind of physical exertion after we got home. I met my mom, sister, grandma, and aunt out at the mall and spent a few hours with them. It was nice, but it didn't give me the energy I would have needed to workout. 

Monday I got up a little bit early and did a quick set of 55s. It helped to wake me up a little. That night I really really wanted to get out to Cardio Barre by 5:30, but even with changing at work and taking the less-trafficy route home from the office, I pulled up to the turn off at 5:35. So, I went back home, gave Panda a hug, and moseyed on down to IPY for a little power yoga, which had me feeling majorly out of practice, but it's always good to be back on the mat.

Tuesday I decided Advanced Cardio Barre was the way to go. I'd been having some annoying hip/piriformis/sciatic/bullsh*t stuff happening. I thought I worked most of it out in yoga on Monday but I may have just somehow ended up switching it from the left to the right leg. Anyway, it made parts of Tuesday's workout really tough, and carried into Wednesday, which didn't really help my motivation.

I had a dentists appointment in Westwood on Wednesday afternoon. I was done at 245, but for some reason it took me an hour to drive the mile back to the freeway. No joke. It's a mile...maybe. It might be less than a mile. You should have seen me. I was working so hard to not get pissed at absolutely everyone. Breathing and centering myself. It was a major exercise in patience. Once I was on the freeway, it only took a half hour to get back into the Valley, but I was so tired and hungry when I got home, I decided I would rest for a while, eat something, and then bust out X2 Yoga in the dining room. It got me in the right mental space to teach my class that night, which I loved every second of.

Thursday night I taught my class. I had two total newbies to yoga. They'd taken one class before but found that they were totally in over their heads, so I had a chance to talk to them about the poses the did in class earlier in the week, and we broke it down. It was a lot of fun. They asked questions, we got into specifics. One of my favorite classes teaching so far. After that I met my honey at the gym and did some mild weightlifting - dead lift, clean press, and pull ups. I'm still using the machine for pullups, but I've got it down to 50 lbs assist. Last time the lowest I got was 70. :)

Friday I got home and suddenly wasn't feeling well. End of the day slammer headache. Major bummer, but I started to feel better on the late side so T and I got to spend the evening together.

Saturday I was at my workshop for the better part of the day. It was so fun watching the mommy/baby yoga class. The babies were so funny and such a great bunch. Apparently babies love yoga, so if you have a little one that's not walking yet, I highly suggest it.

How was your week?