Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 17

Resolved: I need to take more photos during the week pertaining to my workouts/yoga.

Saturday night we watched Django Unchained. It was mucho entertaining, but it kept us up until 1:30am, soooo... even though I tried to get up and go to boxing on Sunday morning, it just didn't happen. I kept thinking I would squeeze in some kind of workout at some point during the day, but alas, no such workout happened. No big. I would make up for it.

Monday I told myself I would go to CrossFit. I even left work a little early so I'd have enough time to get out to Sherman Oaks. But then I got home and I was just completely wiped out, and while I still wanted a great workout, "that type" of workout just was not appealing to me. I did manage to get to the 530 advanced cardio barre though. It was my second advanced class, 3rd class total, since coming back from my over 6-month CB hiatus and I pretty much wanted to die at the end of it.  My sister broke down the level of difficulty for some of the teachers there, saying that this teacher's beginner classes were intermediate and her advanced classes were whatever the next step above advanced is. As as aside, I was totally distracted from the pain by singing Whitney Houston to myself during cardio.

Tuesday I decided to go for Day 4 of P90X and do some Yoga X at the house. I have come so far since the last time I did yoga x, so I was able to integrate more challenging poses into my practice - like bird of paradise and side crow - which was pretty cool.

There's a move in my Wednesday night workout called sneaky lunges... and they maaaaaaaaay be my favorite exercise ever. They're on the P90X Legs & Back workout. I seriously giggle throughout the entire exercise. It's a little ridiculous. I have really missed this workout though. I loved getting up on Thursday morning and having just that right amount of soreness that says I worked hard yesterday, but not SO hard that I can't walk. I'm not super into pull-ups - at all - but I didn't hate them on Wednesday. I still didn't like them - nor did I really feel like they contributed a lot to my workout, but I did them, and I guess I'm happy with myself for that.

Thursday night I folded laundry, taught my class, and packed. That was pretty much all I had time for, but my class was amazing. I had another great amount of attendees and they were fantastic. Love.
I did do a lot of demo-ing, so I managed to get a little exercise, but not a ton.

Friday I didn't have time to workout. Sad. I left work early, spent a ridiculous amount of time in the car en route to LBC to catch the ferry to Avalon for our weekend getaway. Pictures coming soon. Or you could have seen some on Instagram.

Saturday we walked around a lot and did some kayaking but I did not get nearly enough exercise to combat the likely 3,000 calories I ate that day. Oddly, my legs are suuuuper sore today. Not sure if its from walking, kayaking, or stretching post kayaking. My hips were not happy with me during kayaking.

How was your week?

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