Saturday, September 28, 2013

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 39

I'm back! Hooray! What a whirlwind week it has been! I can't believe the last post I wrote was my recap for the week before last! This time last week I had just gotten off a plane and was headed down to Makena to our hotel for the next 5 nights.

Sunday morning I got up early and headed to the hotel gym. I did a half hour on the elliptical and then some random weight lifting for a little while. I did a 5 minute plank, some flies, I don't even know what else. Then I met my mom and sister out by the beach and we did some easy yoga overlooking the ocean. It was amazing.

Monday we all got up early to drive down and look at some beautiful cliffs and volcanic rock, so I missed my morning workout. I did do some pretty intense swimming though.

Tuesday I was back up at at the gym again. 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes or so of random weights and squats and ab work. Then another 30 minutes of yoga overlooking the ocean. This time I taught, but I also did the whole practice.

Wednesday was another day of almost the same workout. 30 min elliptical, 30 min weights/squats/abs/plank, 30 min yoga overlooking the ocean. I integrated some stability ball mountain climber tabatas though - for some extra toughness.

Thursday was our last morning on the island. I ran out of socks (oops), so I headed down to a little grass area overlooking some rocks and the ocean and I did about 45 minutes of challenging yoga practice by myself. It was stunning, and I set up my camera so I could share a little bit of my experience there. (see above) So. Freaking. Beautiful.

Friday I was too tired to do anything. I barely made it to work.

and Saturday (today), my mom and I were part of a communal class. There were 8 teachers and we each taught for about 5-10 minutes. It was really interesting to see how we were all similar and very different.

How was your week?

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