I've been tracking my workouts every day of every week for almost a year. I'm pretty darned impressed with myself in this regard.
Perhaps I'll keep it going in 2014?
Sunday the extent of my exercise was walking from one end of the mall to the other. The joys of Christmas shopping.
Monday I started P90X2. I don't know if I'm going to do the whole program yet, but I'll at least be sticking with it through Christmas (and possible New Years). The first workout in the program is X2 Core. I forgot how tough some of those moves are. Whoa, man.
Tuesday I had a brutal headache, but I ate a protein bar and took some exedrin and 30 minutes later... BAM! Ready for plyocide... which may still be my absolute favorite P90 workout ever of all time.
Wednesday I got a call in the middle of the day to sub an evening class last minute, so I taught 2 classes - one before work and one after. I got home around 8, ate a healthy dinner, watched TV and crashed.
Thursday I taught my evening class and then came home and cleaned the house. It was a mildly disappointing evening. Eating was bad too. All around.
Friday morning I had some extra time to kill, so I go outside and went for 3.9 mile run. I was at about the 2.5 mile mark when I decided that instead of just doing 3 laps or 4 laps for an even 3 or 4 miles, I would make the loop wider, which added not quite a full mile to the last loop. It was good. I started to lose my motivation in the 3rd lap, but I wanted to keep running, so I just made it take longer to get home. :)
Saturday no workout was had. Day times. My brother in law was staying with us and an opportunity to workout just never presented itself.
Oh well.
How was your week?
Monday I started P90X2. I don't know if I'm going to do the whole program yet, but I'll at least be sticking with it through Christmas (and possible New Years). The first workout in the program is X2 Core. I forgot how tough some of those moves are. Whoa, man.
Tuesday I had a brutal headache, but I ate a protein bar and took some exedrin and 30 minutes later... BAM! Ready for plyocide... which may still be my absolute favorite P90 workout ever of all time.
Wednesday I got a call in the middle of the day to sub an evening class last minute, so I taught 2 classes - one before work and one after. I got home around 8, ate a healthy dinner, watched TV and crashed.
Thursday I taught my evening class and then came home and cleaned the house. It was a mildly disappointing evening. Eating was bad too. All around.
Friday morning I had some extra time to kill, so I go outside and went for 3.9 mile run. I was at about the 2.5 mile mark when I decided that instead of just doing 3 laps or 4 laps for an even 3 or 4 miles, I would make the loop wider, which added not quite a full mile to the last loop. It was good. I started to lose my motivation in the 3rd lap, but I wanted to keep running, so I just made it take longer to get home. :)
Saturday no workout was had. Day times. My brother in law was staying with us and an opportunity to workout just never presented itself.
Oh well.
How was your week?