Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Happiness; 2013

Whelp! The stockings are hung, the tree is lit and holiday cards are slowly collecting on the entry mirror. As one might expect, our decorations are very similar to last year - when I posted this way way earlier.

Aside from filling my house will sparkly decor - I finally jumped on the chalkboard bandwagon and put "Merry and Bright" on the chalkboard we used in our wedding photo booth, and got us a star for the top of the tree - I pretty much love everything about the holidays...

The food...

Let's just talk about the things I plan on making this year, shall we?
Peppermint Bark
Hot cocoa - if you want to get specific about it, THIS hot cocoa (made with almond milk). My honey brought it back with him from San Diego, but its a good thing there's a Penzey's in Santa Monica.
Candied Citrus Peel
Oatmeal Scotchies - I'd never had these before, but my honey kept asking since his mom used to make them all the time. I finally gave in and was not disappointed. Super yummy. Recipe coming soon!

The music...

My holiday favorites generally stay the same:
Christmas Time - Charlie Brown
Donde Esta Santa Claus - Augie Rios
Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth - Bing Crosby and David Bowie
Christmas Song - Alvin & the Chipmunks

but this year in my adventures on iTunes, I stumbled across some new favorites...

Little Drummer Boy - Pentatonix
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlement - Bad Religion
This Christmas - Cee Lo Green
Auld Lang Syne - Colbie Caillat

The movies...

I can't believe I didn't include these last year, but the Harry Potter movies are totally Christmas movies. Even though they take place over the course of a year, Christmas is always involved.

White Christmas... always.
The Santa Clause
Home Alone
and Elf
... oh yeah, and Die Hard... just because.

Are you as excited as I am?