Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kitchen Adventures; Halloween Sugar Cookies

I'm a little embarrassed to admit this.

Before Saturday, I had never made sugar cookies by myself.

We'd made them growing up, but it was always my mom or one of my aunts making them. I just showed up for the decorations.

I've been seeing adorable Halloween themed cookies all over the web lately, so I decided for Halloween weekend, cookies were in order.

I decided that Alton Brown's recipe was the best way to go. Oh, how right I was.

First, butter and sugar and handmixer.

Light and fluffy magic

One egg and a little milk...

Blends right in.

Then the toughening stuff. Mix in the flour a little at a time so you don't get flour all over the kitchen.

Until it looks like this.

The split it in two, wrap with wax paper or plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 2 hours.

Roll them out one and a time and cut your cookies. Eat a little extra dough as you go. I did.


When they're a little brown around the edges, take them out of the oven.


Can you tell this is my favorite part?

And this is my favorite cookie. He's like a sly vampire pumpkin. Love.

Since I didn't change or simplify Alton's recipe at all. I'm just gonna give you a little icing recipe since Alton doesn't provide one. You'll love. I promise!

Sugar Cookie Icing

4 c. confectioners sugar
5 Tbsp. milk
1/2 c. vegetable shortening
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Put all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Whisk together until smooth.

Separate into smaller cups, add food coloring as desired.

Done. :)


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