Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 32

Wednesday morning I taught mommy & baby. I made it a medium hard class. Some days we keep it really mellow. Around lunch time I took a workout break and headed to my friend's barre class. I made it to about 3 before I gave in a took midday shower. Hooray for access to a beach house!

Thursday ended up being a mellow day. I skipped an actual workout and just hung out with my mom and the dogs. We went to the park and played fetch and they ran around.

Friday night I went to spin! The Friday teacher is my favorite. He's the easiest to follow and has great energy. It was a tough class this week.

Saturday ended up being a rest day. We slept in mostly until it was time to clean up for the arrival of my inlaws.

Sunday afternoon I took prenatal yoga. It was pretty much exactly what I needed. Tough at times, but mostly mellow and still a good workout.

My Monday night yoga date was cancelled and I was feeling tired anyway. Panda and I went on a walk for about 20 minutes. She was happy. I was happy I didn't totally blow my exercise for the evening.

Tuesday night I decided to take power yoga. I'd missed it the week before and I was a little sad about that. Class was hard. My body made me take a lot of breaks and extra childsposes, but I still got a great workout. Plus earlier this week I learned that my regular Tuesday/Thursday teacher teaches Tony Horton and a semi regular P90X crew at a studio in Brentwood and I wanted to chat with him about that. Hubs wants to go take the class so we can meet Tony Horton. :P

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