Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Seven Days of Yoga; Week 26

Wednesday morning I taught mommy & baby yoga. I had planned to do some outer thigh work, but I ended up totally spacing. We still did some great workouts though.
That afternoon, I wasn't feeling awesome. I was super tired and slightly headachey, but I had planned to take my friends barre class, so I went - knowing full well to take breaks or just flat out stop if I started to feel bad. It was a rough hour. I took A TON of breaks. I was so tired, but after class, I felt WORLDS better. I still had a lingering headache, but I was feeling much more energized.

Thursday I actually ended up teaching twice. I got an email late on Wednesday that one of the teachers was sick and could I sub her 8:30am class. I got a lot of positive feedback, so hooray there! By 2/3 in the afternoon, the day was kicking my asana, so I ended up leaving a smidge early so I could take a little nap before I had to teach again. So, I napped, and then woke up at 4:29... one minute before my class was supposed to start, so I hopped in the car and I called the studio to tell them I was on my way. We ended up started a few minutes late, but everyone was pretty open to staying a few minutes late to make up for my lateness, and it all worked out. I was still exhausted after teaching though. I decided to cut my losses and skip power yoga that night. I did, however, end up getting back to my parents' in time to join my mom's crew of yoga ladies for a much more mellow class. Much more my speed that day.

Friday I thought I might work out depending on when I ended up leaving my grandparents' house, but I didn't end up having time. I opted for a much needed pedicure and taking baby bear for a walk around the neighborhood. I was having some leg pain. We (my family, chiropractor, specialist I saw years ago) don't know what causes it, but years ago I used to get pain so bad in my legs - ankle, calf, shin, and hip - and all we could figure out was they are related. Anyway, when I started doing yoga all the time and getting in shape, I stopped feeling it. Well, now that my workouts are less intense, stretches less deep and much more infrequent, I wasn't terribly surprised when the pain popped up again.

Saturday I went to the gym with my honey. I ran a mile, which I haven't done in a while, and it kicked my buttasana. Then I proceeded to walk for another 30 minutes, 10 minutes on the elliptical, and about 15 or so minutes stretching and foam rolling. 

Sunday I was so excited to get back to boxing! I did have some soreness in my fingers, but in terms of exertion and body temp, I did awesome. I accidentally placed myself right under the AC vent, so I kept getting blasted with cold air. I took about 4 (I think) short water breaks, and at the end of class I felt great. I have really missed boxing, so it was wonderful to get back in there and feel good about my workout.

Monday morning I taught my final AM class (for the summer, at least), and then went to my friend's house for more yoga after work. I always ask her what kind of thing she's in the mood for, but most days she gives me total control. This week we did a lot of forward folds.

Tuesday was a tad complicated because we were getting our new washing machine delivered. I'm a big fan of planning my workouts ahead of time, but Tuesday I had to play it by ear. It ended up being delivered and installed while I was teaching my class, so when I got home I was relieved that I could easily make it to the Total Fit Body class I've been going to. It was extra tough that night and I wasn't super feeling up to it, but I did what I could and I made it through the whole class.

How was your week?

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